Literacy through music
NB: For info on 'Numeracy Through Music' click here.
Demo Interactives:
Here are two example interactives-
Imagine you are playing along to experience how linking literacy processing
to musical performance feels in your brain!
Example 1: Look/Say/Look/Play
This activity takes you through a sequence of literacy processing tasks, moving from symbol to sound:
i) converting a letter/grapheme to a phoneme,
ii) converting an image to a word to an initial phoneme,
The tasks get progessively harder, with available processing time becoming shorter and shorter as you progress.
follow THe Instructions:
LOOK at the letter or image pattern.
SAY the phonemes or word back,
LOOK again (if instructed),
PLAY the pattern on the computer keyboard,
using the keys and .
During the Jam Session, play what you want.
Example 2: Listen/Play
This interactive works in the opposite processing direction, moving from sound to symbol:
You have to listen to a spoken phoneme pattern and play that pattern back using the letter pattern.
LISTEN to the phoneme pattern.
PLAY it back on the computer keyboard,
using the keys , and .
During the Jam Session, play what you want.
Watch a child playing the Listen Play interactive:
Angus (P3) plays Listen/Play with letters a, s and t,
using the keys , and .