For info on 'Literacy Through Music' click here.

ABC's Numeracy Through Music materials provide teachers with a fun way to add music and instruments to numeracy learning. You can use fun activities to consolidate and deepen number learning, whilst the wholew class has fun together and develops their music skills at the same time. It is especially good for targeting children who need extra support whilst giving all children a rich positive experience.

Boing Numeracy WORKSTATION


The class counts together while looking  rich and varied visuals supporting their number understanding.

The counting alternates with the super fun Boing Song where children get to play their percussion on the Boing.

You can do choral counting at three speeds: Listen & Say/Slow/Medium.

Listen & Say is a  'Call and Response' format so you hear the numeral word and copy it back.

At Slow & Medium speed there is no 'Call and Response', so you count straight through.


You can practice Forward and Backward Numeral Word Sequences (FNWS & BNWS) and focus on narrow ranges, eg 15-20, 15-10, and focus on crossing decades.


Counting in rhythm is fun and relaxing or children, and you have to do your processing in time so you can

say the word in time with the beat.


boing Numeracy Choices


There are loads of graphical ways to display numbers during counting.

Graphic Choices for Numeracy


 The Boing Song gives a fun interlude, where you can play an instrument,
clap or jump with the boing, before you get back to serious numeracy studies!



SAY/PLAY/JAM Numeracy Quiz



In the Say/Play/Jam Numeracy Quiz children answer numeracy questions by playing the answer on instruments or body percussion and earning points for the class. When the class has reached their points target they win a fun jam session - either using instruments to play along with funky aliens, or to play along with groovy body percussion jams that link to the Body Percussion & Numeracy course ( see below).

Numeracy Quiz Options


 Body Percussion & Numeracy


P1-P3/Rec-Year 2

Lower Primary Resources are described in the following video.


The resource includes a dedicated P1/Rec resource with simpler Jam Sessions and a Counting on Fingers sction.



The P4-P7 resource allows you to have great fun, and develop your rhythm skills,  whist consolidating and learning times tables. `There are also lyric writing and music creativity options ofr a multi-differentiated class.